The BIOSYS deleg­a­tion visited Gangwon State in South Korea as part of a project and success­fully completed the mission

By Daesung Lee

All the repres­ent­ative organ­iz­a­tions from the Gangwon region extended excep­tional hospit­ality to the BIOSYS delegation.

During the visit to the Gangwon region, the deleg­a­tion toured the Korea Forest Manager Associ­ation in Pyeongchang on 17 November 2024. They had a productive meeting with President Jung-Hee Park and associ­ated members, including Prof. Hee Han from Seoul National Univer­sity, Drs. Yoon-Seong Chang and Jin-Taek Kang from the National Insti­tute of Forest Science, and Prof. Young-Hwan Kim from Pusan National University.

BIOSYS photo from the meeting with the Korea Forest Manager Associ­ation. Photo: Jung-Hee Park, Korea Forest Manager Association

Addition­ally, they held an academic meeting with Kangwon National Univer­sity in Chuncheon. Prof. Jung-Kee Choi, Prof. Nam-Jin Noh, and Prof. Eun-Ju Cheong from Kangwon National Univer­sity, President Nam-Hun Kim from the Gangwon Regional Associ­ation of the Korean Feder­a­tion of Science and Techno­logy Societies (KOFST), and Dr. Kyung-Nam Kim from Gangwon Research Insti­tute attended the meeting. Together, they discussed academic and regional cooper­a­tion between North Karelia and Gangwon.

BIOSYS photo from the meeting with Kangwon National Univer­sity. Photo: Jung-Kee Choi, Kangwon National University

On November 18, 2024, the Kangwon Domin Ilbo newspaper and Gangwon State hosted the BIOSYS deleg­a­tion at an inter­na­tional symposium focused on cooper­a­tion between North Karelia, Finland, and Gangwon State, Korea. The event was success­fully conducted with a keynote speech by Mr. Markus Hirvonen, Regional Mayor of North Karelia, followed by present­a­tions from Dr. Jutta Kauppi, Dr. Erkki Verkasalo, Prof. Jouni Pykäläinen, and Ms. Katri Rusanen. Addition­ally, the BIOSYS deleg­a­tion gained extensive knowledge and insights about Korean forestry and forest society by listening to present­a­tions from the Korean side and parti­cip­ating in the panel discussion.

BIOSYS photo from the Global Forest Cooper­a­tion Inter­na­tional Symposium between North Karelia and Gangwon. Photo: Ji-Eun Park, Kangwon Domin Ilbo newspaper company

BIOSYS photo from the Global Forest Cooper­a­tion Inter­na­tional Symposium between North Karelia and Gangwon. Photo: Ji-Eun Park, Kangwon Domin Ilbo newspaper company

Lastly, the deleg­a­tion visited the Chuncheon Wood Cooper­ative as their final stop, hosted by CEO Kwang-Ho Han, director Dr. Wae-Jung Kim, and many other associ­ated members. They parti­cip­ated in a field trip where they observed ongoing wood manufac­turing techniques on-site. They also saw state-of-the-art pre-cut machinery and learned about strategies to find a niche market in the region.

BIOSYS photo from the meeting with Chuncheon Wood Cooper­ative. Photo: Wae-Jung Kim, Chuncheon Wood Cooperative

A special thank you goes to Jung-Hee Park, Ji-Eun Park, Jung-Kee Choi, and Wae-Jung Kim from each organ­iz­a­tion for their impec­cable coordination.

The BIOSYS North Karelia Inter­na­tional Growth Ecosystem is run by Natural Resources Insti­tute Finland / Luonnon­varakeskus as a project lead, the Regional Council of North Karelia Pohjois-Karjalan maakun­t­aliitto, Univer­sity of Eastern Finland and MKN Itä-Suomi | Rural Women´s Advisory Centre (RWAC) of Eastern Finland. The project is funded by Renewing and Competent Finland 2021–2027, EU Regional and Struc­tural Policy Programme’s Just Trans­ition Fund – JTF, and Regional Council of North Karelia.

For more inform­a­tion: Daesung Lee [email protected];
Naomi Moriyama [email protected]